You get a lot
complimentary benefits and we have
license to THRILL
In FAIR C, you will receive a number of benefits when you choose our venue for a conference, event or fair.
We always provide excellent personal service and guidance for all events and we will always aim to deliver a unique experience - we have a license to THRILL.
In addition, you get a location right in the middle of Denmark. This means that 80% of the entire Danish population has less than 2 hours of transport by public transport or car to our car park with 3500 free parking spaces.
The three Cs
C for center
We are located right in the heart of Denmark - 10 minutes from the motorway, 5 minutes from the railway station, 40 minutes from the airport, 5.000 overnight stays within a 20 minute drive, 26 restaurants nearby, 5 minutes to the water, less than 1 minute to services.
C for center
We are a trade fair, event and conference center with 33.000 square meters under one roof, 4 halls with space for 10.000 diners in hall A, 5 meeting rooms with space for 700 people, 3.000 dogs or 300 boats. We are ready to serve 24.000 tapas or 12.000 drinks or just pop a single bottle of champagne!
C for charm
We have charm and confidence - and make it easy, delicious and straightforward for you and your guests. We are not afraid to turn up the charm and do everything to provide an experience that hits the high C - because that is our ambition.
We are always ready for an informal cup of coffee and a tour - come and see for yourself C.